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iOS CallAsFunction() in Swift 5.2

Platform Language License


  1. Swift introduces statically callable values.
  2. It's a fancy way of saying that you can now call a value directly.
  3. You can use callAsFunction

For Example: Create a Age struct that has property of birthYear, then add callAsFunction(). So everytime you call a Age you will get your age.

Above Swift 5.2:

struct Age {
    var birthYear: Int

    func callAsFunction() -> Int {
        //get the current year
        let year = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: Date())
        return (year - birthYear)

Now you can just call like below line

let ageObjc = Age(birthYear: 1991)

Here you can just call the object of struct like a function and you will get a (age) value from the function.



  1. You can add mutating before the function.
  2. You can return the value of the function.
  3. You can add as many parameters as you want.


Another example: We can create Dice struct that has properties for lowerValue and upperBound

struct Dice {
    var min: Int
    var max: Int

    func callAsFunction() -> Int {

Declare this globally

let dice = Dice(min: 1, max: 6)

Add below line into button action

let rolls = dice()


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